Torah Study at Temple Beth El

I can share Torah.     I can teach Torah.     I can live Torah.

This program aims to:

  • Honor the mitzvah of immersing ourselves in the study of Torah.
  • Further our knowledge of the Torah and how to apply its teachings to our current lives.
  • Allow the exchange of ideas in an unbiased, comfortable, welcoming, sincere environment.
  • Create a bond among participants sharing interest in study.

Temple Beth El’s Torah Study Class is composed of people who are excited about what the Torah can teach us about the history of our religion and our people, the ethical underpinnings of our culture, and how its precepts and insights apply to our lives. Study is as enjoyable as it is serious. While the members are certainly not all the same in backgrounds and philosophies, a primary goal of the program is to learn to listen and respect differing points of view. In this process, we have come to know each other a little better, appreciating the gratifying ‘give and take’ of lively, courteous conversation in a warm environment.

Participants in this group share the responsibilities of leadership; While there is a framework to the meeting lesson structure, there is no one teacher who sets the agenda or plans the weekly session. Instead, members are all responsible for reading the weekly parasha, and finding interesting commentary to share with the group. The discussion develops from these contributions. Personal thoughts and interpretations are welcome. This is a safe environment for asking questions. Everyone is free to share favorite teaching texts.  Quotes, stories, midrash, poems, readings, gleanings, and commentary as well as personal experience complement the discussion regularly. Concentration is typically on the Torah portion, weekly haftarah, or the holidays and festivals of the Jewish year. At times, the issues of the world stage enter discussion as they relate to Torah teachings.

This Temple Beth El program is open to all, both members and non- members and those in the larger community. Newcomers are always welcome to join the group.   A ‘chavurah’ (friendship/fellowship) type of closeness has evolved over time. If this appeals to you please join us.

As one member expresses her affection and commitment to the weekly gathering:

“Torah study is a community.  For me Torah study with a community is holy and a mitzvah. My friends and study partners bear witness to my discovery of Torah.  This allows me to embrace the blessing of knowledge and of community. I, in turn, bear witness for my study partners and share in their discovery of Torah.  We become a holy circle. “