Norma’s HaKol Article

Temple Beth El Religious School June – July 2024 Update

Norma James

Religious School is out for the summer, but don’t miss these last two important events:

Confirmation is June 28th

Rabbi Siroty is thrilled to prepare her first Temple Beth El Confirmation Class for their Confirmation service this month.  Sammie Friedman, Luke Javors, Asher Park, Jacob Walters, and Sophia Walters will be our Confirmands.  This is a wonderful group of students, most of whom have been a part of our school since their early years. Jacob and Sophia Walters came to us during Covid and have been a big part of our school ever since. Our staff have loved watching all of these young people grow up.  They are all shining examples of our next generation of Jewish leaders.  We hope that you will join our Confirmands and their families for this wonderful service.

Mazel Tov to Jack Shagan, who will become Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, June 15th!

My own experience in summer Jewish Camp

The URJ has long understood the importance of providing summer experiences for Jewish children and teens. I first attended URJ Camp Coleman in Georgia in the summer of 1968. I did not realize at the time that Camp Coleman had only been around for a few years. It was a life changing experience for me. My family was the only Jewish family in Lenoir City. My only Jewish friends were at Temple Beth El. Suddenly I was surrounded by Jewish people of all ages and backgrounds. I was immersed in Judaism seven days a week. I had always been an attentive student in Sunday School, and my family observed the Jewish holidays. However, this was on a whole new level.  For the first time, I experienced Shabbat with an entire community of Jews.

Every day of camp was a joy. The music, oh the music! I could not get enough of it.  We learned Israeli dancing, discussed Jewish topics, created nightly services, and so much more. For the first time, I didn’t have to explain why I was Jewish to anyone. I made friends from all over the South, which broadened by worldview.  This was 1968, so you can imagine the social justice/action vibe of camp.  With my guitar in hand, I learned the music of the Jewish movement which included Hebrew songs, new and old, and the folk music of the masters, Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Leonard Cohen, and more.  Debbie Friedman was just starting out with her own music that I would learn later. The friends I made at camp became very close because we experienced everything together for four weeks. When my parents came to pick me up at the end of camp, I cried as though my heart would break. I went back to Lenoir City (with a Miami accent) and resumed my life, but I was forever changed in so many ways.  I has gained independence and a deeper sense of who I am as a Jew.  I had a broader understanding of issues in the world and my part in making the world a better place.

I returned to Camp Coleman for several years as a Counselor-in-Training and then as a counselor.  My sister Wendie joined me at camp. Wendie and I sent our own children to Coleman, and they enjoyed camp with their cousins. Now my grandchildren Karl and Hannah attend Coleman every year with several of our TBE children. Camp Coleman has grown into an amazing facility with an action-packed schedule. Of course, Judaism is still at the center as it should be. For those parents who are thinking about a longer sleep-away Jewish camp, I encourage you to consider it seriously. Yes, you will miss your children. Unlike my parents and Wendie and me, camp today has daily ways to stay in touch.  You will see pictures of your children in every activity.  You can send them special mail that reaches them quickly. There are several Jewish Camps to choose from.  The URJ has also started interest-based camps that are shorter in duration and specialize in sports, STEM, the arts, or high adventure.  Sending your child to a Jewish camp is a gift you give them and a gift you give to the future of Judaism.

Norma is available for summer Hebrew! Would you like for your child to have some individual Hebrew this summer. I have found this can make a huge difference for a child’s Hebrew confidence.  I offer this at no cost to parents. I like to keep it flexible to work around both your and my summer activities. We can do FaceTime or Zoom which means you don’t have to drive your child to me.  Email or text me if you are interested. 

Planning for next year.  

Tara Bain and I have some great ideas for Religious School next year. If you know a family who might be interested in joining our school, please reach out to them.  We are happy to follow up. Our parents and students are our best ambassadors. I have been told by many parents that their children look forward to coming to Sunday and Wednesday sessions. For those children who still struggle to get out of bed on Sunday mornings, they, too, leave happy at the end of the day. This is your child’s opportunity to make Jewish friends that can last a lifetime!

Religious School for 2024-2025 begins August 25. 

We have classes for children beginning at age four and going through 9th grade.  Confirmation is open to 9th-12th graders.

Registration will begin August 1st and will be completely online on our Temple Website. Go to and select the Religious School registration link.